Why God gave us a book
by Gene Edward Veith

Many people look within themselves, mining their thoughts and feelings for “the voice of God.” And yet God has already spoken. The incarnate Word makes himself known in the written Word, and this communication keeps us personally connected to him. We need nothing else.

Gene Veith makes this clear as he examines not only the sufficiency of God’s Word, but also the flawed thinking of those who try to add to or detract from it. This passionate, personal booklet is a call for all of us to return to God’s Word as our one and only authority in faith and practice.

Basics of the Faith Studies Series

The Basics of the Faith series (published by P&R – each 30-40 pages) are on relevant topics for Christians to study on doctrine, the Christian life, and church-related topics. CDM, with the aid of the authors, has written Leader’s Guides to help anyone wanting to lead a study with an individual or group. The student version is designed to be worked through before reading the text and for taking notes during the meeting.