About Kathy Wargo

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So far Kathy Wargo has created 215 blog entries.

A Blessed Hope


Devotional by Stephen Estock December 2, 2013 What do you hope to get for Christmas? That question (or something like it) is asked frequently at this time of year. Christmas is a season of hope, but often our hope is centered only on the “stuff” of Christmas. The excitement and joy getting what you hoped for [...]

A Blessed Hope2023-03-24T11:12:03-05:00

The Antidote for “Crazy Busy”


Devotional by Stephen Estock December 9, 2013 There is a poison that sours lives and relationships, and it seems to spread easily at this time of year. Busyness. We fill our lives with schedules and events and cards and calls and shopping and cooking and ... We live in a constant state of busyness, which leads [...]

The Antidote for “Crazy Busy”2023-03-24T11:12:08-05:00

An Increasing Joy


Devotional by Stephen Estock December 16, 2013 “But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grind-stone, Scrooge! a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shriveled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly [...]

An Increasing Joy2023-03-24T11:12:13-05:00

Love Came Down at Christmas


Devotional by Stephen Estock December 23, 2013 Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine, Love was born at Christmas, Star and Angels gave the sign. These words from a Christmas carol by Christina Rossetti capture the message of 1 John 4:9: “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God [...]

Love Came Down at Christmas2023-03-24T11:12:17-05:00

Kindness? I don’t feel it.


Devotional by Stephen Estock December 30, 2013 The Word I read was clear: verses like “The LORD is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.” (Ps 145:13), “Note the kindness of God” (Rom. 11:22). The songs I listened to were clear: “his heart is kind” (“10,000 Reasons,”), “His helping love no limit [...]

Kindness? I don’t feel it.2023-03-24T11:12:22-05:00

Labor for the Day


Devotional by Stephen Estock January 6, 2014 Yard work, though a favorite hobby, can be a never-ending chore. One week after conquering the jungle of weeds in the front flower bed, the task of planting bushes revealed new weeds had sprung from the hidden roots of the old. Would the evil ever be eliminated? What’s the [...]

Labor for the Day2023-03-24T11:12:32-05:00

Prayer to a Father


Devotional by Stephen Estock January 13, 2014 “Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” (Mt 6:9 ESV) “All true prayer begins with the spirit of adoption.” (Charles Spurgeon) I know I don’t pray enough. In my mind I believe (that is, I know) the doctrine – prayer is a means of [...]

Prayer to a Father2023-03-24T11:12:36-05:00

Is My Arm Too Short?


Devotional by Stephen Estock January 20, 2014 It was a Monday, and it was one of those days. There were no big issues over the weekend, yet for some reason, Monday was filled with an overwhelming sense of inadequacy: How will I get everything done? I have no idea what I am doing. I know I will mess [...]

Is My Arm Too Short?2023-03-24T11:12:40-05:00

Sober Living


Devotional by Stephen Estock January 26, 2014 I don’t drink much, and I don’t abuse drugs, but I’m not so good at sober living. A sober life spends the day secure in faith, love, and hope, mindful that the Lord Jesus Christ has rescued me from the wrath of God (1 Thessalonians 5:8-9). Instead, what I [...]

Sober Living2023-03-24T11:12:46-05:00

Labor On! – Your work is not in vain


Devotional by Stephen Estock February 3, 2014 Mondays can be tough. Though the predictability of a schedule gives security, the daily grind can make you wonder if the work you do means anything. In a sermon on the parable of the laborers (Mt 20)[1], Bryan Chapell notes that the gospel releases believers from the bondage of idleness (i.e., [...]

Labor On! – Your work is not in vain2023-03-24T11:12:52-05:00
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