About Kathy Wargo

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So far Kathy Wargo has created 213 blog entries.

God’s Story Bible Coloring Book


Article by Sue Jakes The newest SHOW ME JESUS curriculum support from Great Commission Publications is a 300+ page God's Story Bible Coloring Book. However it is much, much more than a coloring book. Along with the 158 reproducible Bible pictures for coloring are 158 pages filled with activities and classroom helps for teaching the story [...]

God’s Story Bible Coloring Book2023-03-24T11:16:16-05:00

The Jesus Storybook Bible


Article by Sue Jakes If you do not yet own the Jesus Storybook Bible, you have missed out on the top-seller in children’s books in the last two years. Why is everyone in children’s ministry so energized by this book? There are hundreds of children’s story Bibles. What makes this one special? “Every story whispers [...]

The Jesus Storybook Bible2023-03-24T11:16:21-05:00

Growing the Church Through Ministry to Youth and Children


Article by Sue Jakes Christian Education and Publications’ 2020Vision is a series of conferences, local church training events, and resources designed to assist the church in ministry to youth and children. We are challenging the local church to consider these questions: Does my church have a vision to see disciples grow up from our children and youth [...]

Growing the Church Through Ministry to Youth and Children2023-03-24T11:16:28-05:00

Mercy Ministries


Mercy Ministry Guidelines by Chris Sicks This resource is based on a seminar by Pastor Chris Sicks at the 2014 Mercy Ministry Conference. Chris is Pastor of Mercy at Alexandria Presbyterian Church in Virginia and the author of Tangible – Making God Known Through Deeds of Mercy and Words of Truth. [...]

Mercy Ministries2023-03-24T11:16:45-05:00

Church Officers


Sample Officer Nomination Forms Sample Officer Nominee Questionnaire Officer Training Exam Study Sheets Sample Officer Training Written Exam Pastoral Transition: 10 Things to Consider Pastoral Transition: Developing a Plan Sample Adult Discipleship Teacher Covenant

Church Officers2023-03-24T11:16:49-05:00

Youth Leadership in Conflict: When Parents Become Concerned


Article by Danny Mitchell Home / Archives / Youth / Youth Leadership in Conflict: When Parents Become Concerned I often think of a paraphrase of an African proverb that a friend once told me when I hear about youth workers who are in conflict with parents. The proverb says “The only thing that gets hurt when horses fight is the grass [...]

Youth Leadership in Conflict: When Parents Become Concerned2023-03-24T11:17:00-05:00

Preventing Burnout


Article by Danny Mitchell I have been in youth ministry long enough to know that arguing with your senior pastor in a public setting does not bode well for personal job security. Yet, for a mind boggling thirty minutes I was doing just that at a recent staff retreat. Oblivious to the obvious discomfort of [...]

Preventing Burnout2023-03-24T11:17:09-05:00

The Pray for Me Campaign


Article by Danny Mitchell Because of the realities that a large percentage of young people who connect with the church during their teenage years will end up leaving the church as they move into adulthood and those who stay connected to the church had adult believers intentionally investing in their lives, Tony Souder, the executive [...]

The Pray for Me Campaign2023-03-24T11:17:15-05:00
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