About Kathy Wargo

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So far Kathy Wargo has created 213 blog entries.

What is a True Calvinist?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is a True Calvinist? by Philip Graham Ryken This practical introduction to Reformed spirituality demonstrates, in Philip Graham Ryken’s words, that “the doctrines of grace help to preserve all that is right and good in the Christian life: humility, holiness, and thankfulness, with a passion [...]

What is a True Calvinist?2023-03-24T11:07:27-05:00

What is a Reformed Church?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is a Reformed Church?by Stephen Smallman Pastors of Reformed churches are often asked, “What is a Reformed church?” or “What do you mean by Reformed?" Few booklet-length answers are available. Stephen Smallman, author of Understanding the Faith, has provided a booklet that pastors and churches [...]

What is a Reformed Church?2023-03-24T11:07:33-05:00

How Our Children Come to Faith


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore How Our Children Come to Faith by Stephen Smallman Stephen Smallman has written a booklet to Christian parents about how to raise their children in a spirit of faith rather than anxiety. It all begins when parents bring their children to Jesus for his blessing. He [...]

How Our Children Come to Faith2023-03-24T11:07:39-05:00

Christian Education – More than Just Sunday School


Article by Dennis Bennett It never ceases to amaze me that anywhere in the world you say "Christian Education" people automatically think of Sunday school. Is this the only education the church is engaged in? If so, we are in trouble. Let me explain.   I taught the Christian Education (CE) courses at the Bible Institute of [...]

Christian Education – More than Just Sunday School2023-03-24T11:07:50-05:00

How Should We Understand “Curriculum”? Part 1


Article by Dennis Bennett We have all used the word curriculum, but not many really know what it means. To most it conveys the material we use. It comes from the Latin meaning "a race." God's curriculum, or race, for His children is that in the end we are more like His Son Jesus. What we generally [...]

How Should We Understand “Curriculum”? Part 12023-03-24T11:07:55-05:00

How Should We Understand “Curriculum”? Part 2


Article by Dennis Bennett One of the hardest things I had to do as academic dean in a seminary in South Africa was to educate the faculty to understand the different between a "content driven curriculum" and a "process oriented curriculum."   One member of faculty argued with me that unless he covered all 16 chapters of [...]

How Should We Understand “Curriculum”? Part 22023-03-24T11:08:02-05:00

What is the Role of the Leadership in Christian Education?


Article by Dennis Bennett To answer this question we need to go back and define what parts of the church involve Christian Education. The answer: everything the church does is Christian Education! Unless we clearly understand this principle true discipleship will not happen. With this understanding we can begin to comprehend what Paul meant when he said [...]

What is the Role of the Leadership in Christian Education?2023-03-24T11:08:07-05:00

Time: The Gift that Can’t Be Re-gifted!


Article by Dennis Bennett MEMORIZE THIS STATEMENT: God has not given us more things to do in a day than He has given us the time to get it done.   I served as Academic Dean at a Bible college in South Africa. I told the students at the beginning of each year if they felt a teacher [...]

Time: The Gift that Can’t Be Re-gifted!2023-03-24T11:08:15-05:00

Let’s Not Lose the Basics


Article by Dennis Bennett The great football coach, Weeb Eubank, had a tradition at the beginning of every season. He would take all the new and seasoned players, sit them down, and then begin his lecture. He would take a football, stick it in their faces, and say to them, "Gentlemen, this is a football! Get to [...]

Let’s Not Lose the Basics2023-03-24T11:08:19-05:00

Interconnected Discipleship


Article by Dennis Bennett The goal of all our ministries is to make kingdom disciples. But what does that mean? A full-grown kingdom disciple would have two main characteristics. He would look, act, and think like Jesus and would be actively helping others become kingdom disciples.   There is no kingdom disciple outside the church, because the [...]

Interconnected Discipleship2023-03-24T11:08:25-05:00
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