The Basics of the Faith series (published by P&R – each 30-40 pages) are on relevant topics for Christians to study on doctrine, the Christian life, and church related topics. CDM, with the aide of the authors, has written Leader’s Guides to help anyone wanting to lead a study with an individual or group. The student version is designed to be worked through before reading the text and for taking notes during the meeting. If you’re interested in downloading these FREE resources, select the book you want on the left-hand panel below and then click the links found to the right of the book cover.

What is Grace?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is Grace? by Sean Michael Lucas Grace is at the heart of the Reformed faith, in its hymns, exposition, and theology, but many people—even Christians—fail to grasp what it means. Lucas illuminates grace, relying on the authority of Scripture. Study Guide.pdf Leaders-Guide.pdf [...]

What is Grace?2023-03-24T11:07:07-05:00

What is Faith?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is Faith? by Guy M. Richard The Bible teaches us that Christians are those who believe in Christ. But what does true saving faith look like? Is it a blind leap in the dark? Is it knowing about God? Doe it translate into something that [...]

What is Faith?2023-03-24T11:07:12-05:00

What is Discipleship?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is Discipleship? by Stephen Smallman How, practically, do we obey the command to “go and make disciples”? Using ten basic building blocks, Stephen Smallman offers a framework for congregations to design and implement a theologically sound strategy for disciple-making. Study Guide.pdf Leaders-Guide.pdf [...]

What is Discipleship?2023-03-24T11:07:16-05:00

What is Church Government?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is Church Government? by Sean Michael Lucas Many people are Presbyterian without having thought through what stands at the heart of Presbyterianism: church polity. This booklet serves as a basic introduction to Presbyterian church government, useful for new members or officers training classes as well [...]

What is Church Government?2023-03-24T11:07:22-05:00

What is a True Calvinist?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is a True Calvinist? by Philip Graham Ryken This practical introduction to Reformed spirituality demonstrates, in Philip Graham Ryken’s words, that “the doctrines of grace help to preserve all that is right and good in the Christian life: humility, holiness, and thankfulness, with a passion [...]

What is a True Calvinist?2023-03-24T11:07:27-05:00

What is a Reformed Church?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is a Reformed Church?by Stephen Smallman Pastors of Reformed churches are often asked, “What is a Reformed church?” or “What do you mean by Reformed?" Few booklet-length answers are available. Stephen Smallman, author of Understanding the Faith, has provided a booklet that pastors and churches [...]

What is a Reformed Church?2023-03-24T11:07:33-05:00

How Our Children Come to Faith


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore How Our Children Come to Faith by Stephen Smallman Stephen Smallman has written a booklet to Christian parents about how to raise their children in a spirit of faith rather than anxiety. It all begins when parents bring their children to Jesus for his blessing. He [...]

How Our Children Come to Faith2023-03-24T11:07:39-05:00

Time: The Gift that Can’t Be Re-gifted!


Article by Dennis Bennett MEMORIZE THIS STATEMENT: God has not given us more things to do in a day than He has given us the time to get it done.   I served as Academic Dean at a Bible college in South Africa. I told the students at the beginning of each year if they felt a teacher [...]

Time: The Gift that Can’t Be Re-gifted!2023-03-24T11:08:15-05:00
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