The Good King’s Feast


The Good King's Feast By Elizabeth Harwell In The Good King’s Feast, Elizabeth Harwell proffers the covenant theology abundantly proclaimed through the sacrament of communion with the same style and clarity she used to explain baptism in The Good Shepherd’s Pasture. Children and parents alike will have new appreciation for [...]

The Good King’s Feast2022-07-05T20:18:02-05:00

A Body for the Lord: PCA Papers on Human Sexuality


A Body for the Lord: PCA Papers on Human Sexuality By PCA In order to maintain the purity and peace of the PCA, the General Assembly has acted to provide guidance to members who struggle with sexual sin yet yearn to live in the blessing and freedom of God’s design [...]

A Body for the Lord: PCA Papers on Human Sexuality2022-07-05T20:17:55-05:00

Frog’s Rainy Day Curriculum


Frog's Rainy Day Curriculum By Lisa Updike This Curriculum is an eight-week course on Christian worldview using the award-winning book Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables. WORLD magazine has designated this engaging and thought-provoking book one of the six most outstanding Christian picture books for the 21st century. Recommended for [...]

Frog’s Rainy Day Curriculum2022-07-05T20:17:48-05:00

Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer


Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord's Prayer By Karen Hodge “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” — Martin Luther Breathing is very complex but is primarily a subconscious activity. Yet there is a danger in familiarity. As Christians, we [...]

Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer2023-03-27T16:01:45-05:00

Anyway and Always


Anyway and Always: A Story of Unconditional Love By Bryan and Kathy Chapell - PCA When Katy disobeys, her daddy explains that his love for her is an example of God’s love for His people. This newly illustrated revision of Anyway and Always by Bryan and Kathy Chapell presents the [...]

Anyway and Always2022-07-21T18:09:48-05:00

Resources for Covid-19


Children's Ministry Resources for Covid-19 & Regathering Resources As You Serve the Children In Your Church Worshipping at Home A Guide to Returning to Worship Link to CDM & MNA's webinar on Regathering Webinar Covid 19 Questions One Example Letter Explaining Church Re-gathering

Resources for Covid-192023-03-24T10:21:32-05:00

Established in the Faith


Established in the Faith: 12 Conversations to lead your child to profess faith in Christ by John C. Kwasny, Ph.D (Published in cooperation with One Story Ministries, a non-profit publishing ministry of Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church (PCA) located in Ridgeland, Mississippi.) “ You shall teach them [God’s commands] diligently to [...]

Established in the Faith2022-07-12T20:55:22-05:00

Philosophy of Children’s Ministry, v.2


For Westminister Presbyterian Westminster Presbyterian Youth and Children’s Ministry Philosophy The focus of Westminster Presbyterian Church’s youth and children’s ministry is to bring together the entire church body in carrying out our God-given responsibility to bring up children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4) by encouraging parents and coming alongside them [...]

Philosophy of Children’s Ministry, v.22023-03-24T10:54:56-05:00
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