Training Disciples (Life onLife)


Training Disciples (Life on Life) By Randy Pope These booklets are available through Life on Life Ministries. The first considers the who? what? and how? of living as one who leads others to Christ. The other helps you understand the goals and process for leading others to Christ. A free [...]

Training Disciples (Life onLife)2023-01-18T17:09:04-05:00

GET REAL: Sharing your Everyday Faith Every Day


GET REAL: Sharing your Everyday Faith Every Day by John Leonard (New Growth Press) Evangelism Gets More Real, Less Awkward— Instead of an awkward experience, sharing your faith can be a simple, everyday part of life. As you grow in your love for Jesus, sharing him with others will overflow [...]

GET REAL: Sharing your Everyday Faith Every Day2022-12-15T10:28:22-05:00

Learning Evangelism from Jesus


The Reason for God by Jerram Barrs (Crossway, 2009) This book explores the topic of evangelism by examining the words and actions of Jesus as revealed in the Gospels. There are 250 pages divided into 16 chapters. Each chapter considers a different gospel account, and there are study questions for [...]

Learning Evangelism from Jesus2022-12-12T17:20:27-05:00



Conversion by Michael Lawrence (Crossway, 2017 in the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches series) In this 146-page book, Lawrence explores the doctrine of conversion and how what you believe shapes how you share the gospel with others.


The Answer


The Answer by Randy Pope (Life on Life Ministries, 2017) This 100 page book considers how to speak to those who claim to have spiritual lives but feel as if their life lacks satisfaction. Order this book from the PCA Bookstore

The Answer2022-12-12T17:23:04-05:00



Beginnings by Stephen Smallman (P&R, 2015) This 208 page book considers how people experience the new birth that leads to faith in the saving work of Christ. Smallman encourages people to see themselves as “spiritual midwives” as the Holy Spirit brings new life. Order this book from the PCA Bookstore [...]

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