

Conversion by Michael Lawrence (Crossway, 2017 in the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches series) In this 146-page book, Lawrence explores the doctrine of conversion and how what you believe shapes how you share the gospel with others.


The Answer


The Answer by Randy Pope (Life on Life Ministries, 2017) This 100 page book considers how to speak to those who claim to have spiritual lives but feel as if their life lacks satisfaction. Order this book from the PCA Bookstore

The Answer2022-12-12T17:23:04-05:00



Beginnings by Stephen Smallman (P&R, 2015) This 208 page book considers how people experience the new birth that leads to faith in the saving work of Christ. Smallman encourages people to see themselves as “spiritual midwives” as the Holy Spirit brings new life. Order this book from the PCA Bookstore [...]


The Walk


The Walk by Stephen Smallman (P&R 2009) This 160-page book can help an individual, a mentor/mentee, a small group, or a class. It is written to those who have expressed interest in knowing about Christ. It does not assume a prior understanding of what “following Christ” means, nor does it [...]

The Walk2022-12-12T17:22:26-05:00

Welcoming People with Intellectual Disabilities to the Lord’s Supper


Welcoming People with Intellectual Disabilities to the Lord’s Supper The sacrament belongs to Christ, and elders of the local church Session have the privilege and responsibility to determine (to the best of their ability) whether the individual desiring to partake of the Lord’s Supper possesses a “true interest in Christ” and “desires to be [...]

Welcoming People with Intellectual Disabilities to the Lord’s Supper2023-12-14T20:46:56-05:00



PERIMETER CHURCH VOLUNTEER GUIDELINES Impacting lives to make the Bride more beautiful The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.  — MATTHEW 20:28   VOLUNTEER MISSION: Our mission is to create a wonderful experience for volunteers at Perimeter Church. We hope [...]


What is Evangelism?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is evangelism? by George W. Robertson What is evangelism? Although the term is basic to the Christian faith, evangelism can take many forms in practice. Is there a “correct” way to evangelize? George W. Robertson shows how God gives us different opportunities and ways [...]

What is Evangelism?2023-03-24T10:58:11-05:00

Mercy Ministries


Mercy Ministry Guidelines by Chris Sicks This resource is based on a seminar by Pastor Chris Sicks at the 2014 Mercy Ministry Conference. Chris is Pastor of Mercy at Alexandria Presbyterian Church in Virginia and the author of Tangible – Making God Known Through Deeds of Mercy and Words of Truth. [...]

Mercy Ministries2023-03-24T11:16:45-05:00

Church Officers


Sample Officer Nomination Forms Sample Officer Nominee Questionnaire Officer Training Exam Study Sheets Sample Officer Training Written Exam Pastoral Transition: 10 Things to Consider Pastoral Transition: Developing a Plan Sample Adult Discipleship Teacher Covenant

Church Officers2023-03-24T11:16:49-05:00
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