How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 5 – The Analytic Learner


Article by Dennis Bennett The Imaginative Learner that we looked at last time asks the question - Why? Why must we learn this information. Likewise, the Analytic Learn asks his/her own question - What? What are the facts here? What information can I learn from this lesson? This learner is most like the PCA as a denomination. [...]

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 5 – The Analytic Learner2023-03-24T11:10:23-05:00

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 6 – The Common Sense Learner


Article by Dennis Bennett Don't you just love it when you know someone who can take all the information you have and make something useful with it? This is the strength of the Common Sense Learner. He is able to take all the facts gathered so accurately and sequentially by the Analytic Learner and put them to [...]

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 6 – The Common Sense Learner2023-03-24T11:10:28-05:00

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 7 – The Dynamic Learner


Article by Dennis Bennett Of the four learning styles, the dynamic learner (DL) is the most disliked by teachers. Why? Because teachers do not understand them, or know how to work with them. I hope, after you have read this, you will have a much better appreciation for these misunderstood learners, and know more about how to [...]

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 7 – The Dynamic Learner2023-03-24T11:10:38-05:00

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 8 – Teaching All Four Learning Styles at the Same Time


Article by Dennis Bennett We have looked at four ways people process information. Now, how in the world will you teach four different groups in one lesson? This is not as hard as you think. Look at this diagram. Every week your lesson will contain four parts. (If you need more details on each of these, re-read [...]

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 8 – Teaching All Four Learning Styles at the Same Time2023-03-24T11:10:47-05:00

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 9 – Learning Styles, Culture and Denominations


Article by Dennis Bennett We have looked at all four learning styles. Did you find where you fit? Even more, have you learned to appreciate that not everyone learns in the same way you learn? This time I want to go a step further and explain how learning styles fit in different cultural settings, and next time [...]

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 9 – Learning Styles, Culture and Denominations2023-03-24T11:10:57-05:00

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 11 – Learning Styles and Questions


Article by Dennis Bennett Many manuscripts are submitted to CEP for publication consideration. I like to read the Bible studies, but I don't start with the written sections, rather, I start with examining the questions. I am convinced if the questions are not written well; the rest is just commentary and not Bible study. Every question contains [...]

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 11 – Learning Styles and Questions2023-03-24T11:11:02-05:00

Death of a Friend


Devotional by Stephen Estock September 16, 2013 On Sunday, I was told that a friend had died, and the news made me cry. She had been a great neighbor for 11 years, watching our kids grow as they climbed trees and slid down the hill in her back yard. I cried for the loss, but more [...]

Death of a Friend2023-03-24T11:11:19-05:00

Love Came Down at Christmas


Devotional by Stephen Estock December 23, 2013 Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine, Love was born at Christmas, Star and Angels gave the sign. These words from a Christmas carol by Christina Rossetti capture the message of 1 John 4:9: “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God [...]

Love Came Down at Christmas2023-03-24T11:12:17-05:00

Mercy Ministries


Mercy Ministry Guidelines by Chris Sicks This resource is based on a seminar by Pastor Chris Sicks at the 2014 Mercy Ministry Conference. Chris is Pastor of Mercy at Alexandria Presbyterian Church in Virginia and the author of Tangible – Making God Known Through Deeds of Mercy and Words of Truth. [...]

Mercy Ministries2023-03-24T11:16:45-05:00

Church Officers


Sample Officer Nomination Forms Sample Officer Nominee Questionnaire Officer Training Exam Study Sheets Sample Officer Training Written Exam Pastoral Transition: 10 Things to Consider Pastoral Transition: Developing a Plan Sample Adult Discipleship Teacher Covenant

Church Officers2023-03-24T11:16:49-05:00
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