Remember Resources


We invite you to listen to and read our enCourage Podcast and Blog as we spend time REMEMBERING this Spring 2021. Remember Resources I want to invite you into a season of remembrance this Spring. Each month we will share a new free remember resource. Life is challenging right now, [...]

Remember Resources2021-05-08T19:48:24-05:00

Aging with Grace Leader’s Guide


Aging With Grace: Flourishing in an Anti-Aging Culture By Susan Hunt and Sharon Betters - PCA Though Scripture teaches that honor comes with age, today’s culture marginalizes growing older as burdensome and hopeless. Older women often feel like an encumbrance rather than a blessing to their friends and family. In [...]

Aging with Grace Leader’s Guide2021-04-16T15:09:53-05:00

Please, Show Me How to Help!


  By CB Campano I imagine most of you have had this thought at some point. A friend suffers betrayal, loss, depression, illness, guilt, or the like and, though you are eager to help, you just don’t know how. For the last ten years, I have had the privilege of helping women who experience all [...]

Please, Show Me How to Help!2023-03-24T11:24:30-05:00

Help! I Need a Speaker


By Karen Hodge On a weekly basis, I receive phone calls from women across our denomination looking for help. Some have been tasked with pulling off the annual Spring luncheon. They have someone covering table decorations but now they need a speaker ASAP. I hear the anxiety in their voice and I am not sure if [...]

Help! I Need a Speaker2023-03-24T11:24:36-05:00
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