Word-based and Relationally-driven Older Adults Ministry

Older Adults Ministry
“…they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the LORD is upright…” — Psalm 92:13-14
Welcome to CDM’s Older Adults Ministry page. Whoever trusts in the Lord will continue to bear good fruit at every stage of their life. The certain promise of God to His people is that He will always be at work in and through us, regardless of our circumstances, abilities, or age. This is an essential truth for the older adults in our church communities. We live in a world that frequently marginalizes and dismisses the role and value of older adults. This must not be so for God’s people, for older adults play a vital role in the life of the church.
Whether it is training a younger generation, sharing wisdom, or recounting God’s faithfulness in times of peril, older adults have an important function in the kingdom of God. Such ministry must seek to minister to, with, and from older adults. This section of our website will help you as individuals and churches to equip, support, and promote older adults within your church.
Mission Statement of CDM Ministry to Older Adults
The mission of CDM’s Older Adult Ministry is to support church leaders as they cultivate a Word-based and relationally-driven ministry by and for older adults to strengthen the local church.
We will help you find the answers to your questions about Older Adults Ministry. Feel free to call or e-mail us and tell us about your church. At CDM, we are committed to helping you find the answers you need. Here are some we frequently hear:
Visit our Older Adults Ministry Resources page, which includes resources on Discipleship for Leaders, Elders/Deacons, Pastoral Search, and articles for leaders.
Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage
Older Adults Ministry Consultant, CDM Partner
Provides advice and support to the staff of CDM in the area of older adults ministry. Serves local churches through training and consulting on older adults and intergenerational ministry.
Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage is a gospel life and legacy coach, author, and speaker. She helps people live, prepare, and share their legacy to bring hope to future generations. Elizabeth co-founded the Numbering Your Days Network to share gospel encouragement for aging, caregiving, legacy, grief, and end-of-life and wrote Preparing for Glory: Biblical Answers to 40 Questions about Living and Dying in the Hope of Heaven. Elizabeth and her husband, Kip, enjoy feasting and sharing good stories with their large family of four adult children, three children-in-law, and five young grandchildren. Learn more at www.elizabethturnage.com
Jim Alexander
Jim Alexander serves as Pastoral Care Pastor at Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL. He has led and served churches for 42 years with experience as a lead pastor, worship leader, teacher, conference speaker, and leadership development coach. He has been ministering in the PCA since 1992. For the past 8 years, he has provided leadership as an assistant pastor at Briarwood, caring for pastoral staff and helping families face health crises, the effects of aging, the demands of being a caregiver for a loved one, and journey through grief from a biblical perspective. Jim and his wife, Pam, have been married for 46 years. They have two married daughters, six incredible grandchildren, and three grand-dogs!
Libby Dunahoo
Flowery Branch, GA
Libby Dunahoo is the Manager of the Advance Care Planning (ACP) department for Northeast Georgia Health System. She was hired in 2017 to implement the Respecting Choices® advance care planning program. This initiative exists to educate people about their choices in their health care, how to document those in an Advance Directive, and how to advocate for their choices with their medical teams.
She has a passion for this work because of how it empowers people to give a voice to their goals, preferences and values. So many people feel helpless in the health care system. When medical staff offers medical expertise and options, patients struggle to share their wishes as the experts of their life. Helping families understand their full range of choices and how to share that with their medical team is the most fulfilling part of her job. She encounters too many people who find themselves lost in a crisis with no idea how to advocate for those they love. The goal is to relieve the distress of not knowing how to advocate and ensure loved ones know how to support patient choices.
Along with the Respecting Choices® program, in 2019 she initiated the community project for Plan in a Can: a recycling initiative using tennis cans as emergency grab and go toolkit for patients to be prepared in case they have to call 911 and go to the hospital quickly. This can holds important medical information for EMS and medical personnel as well as other personal choice necessities such as glasses, phone charger, hearing aids, etc. It ensures the best care for patients in the transition from their home through the health system.
She is a certified Organizational Faculty and Instructor for Respecting Choices®. She is on the Board of the Beyond Dementia Coalition as well as a Steering Committee Member of the Gainesville ACAP (Adult Children of Aging Parents). Within Northeast Georgia Health System she represents ACP on the Ethics Committee and the Patient Rights Committee.
Dave Matthews
Bryant McGee
San Antonio, TX
Rev. Dr. Bryant McGee currently serves as Associate Pastor of Congregational Care at Redeemer PCA San Antonio, Texas. Bryant is a native of the Dallas area and a longtime teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. In his first career, he served as a fire fighter and paramedic in Lewisville, Texas. He started a chaplaincy program in his time with the department, and through his work counseling and discipling first responders, began to feel a call to full time pastoral ministry. He graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary with a Master’s of Divinity in 1996, and returned to Covenant to pursue a Doctor of Ministry degree, graduating in 2006. Bryant served as Associate Pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church in St. Louis before returning to Texas in 2001 to re-plant Redeemer Presbyterian Church of McKinney, Texas, where he was senior pastor until 2017. Bryant brings “caregiving” experience to our team having taken care of his mother until her death who suffered from a dementia disease, and then a short time later he cared for his father until his death who was paralyzed from a severe stroke.
Byron Peters
Chapel Hill, NC
Byron grew up in Owensboro, Kentucky as an average kid on an average street in an average town. Jesus Christ rescued him while in college at University of Kentucky. Byron and Ruby Bea married in 1987 where they served together for 12 years with Cru at UNC-Chapel Hill. They have four wonderful adult children. Byron earned an M.Div from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), pastored at The Church of the Good Shepherd in Durham, NC, and then planted Christ Community Church in 2005 with his long-time friend Greg Norfleet.
Jack Wilkerson
Advance, NC
Jack Wilkerson retired from the Wake Forest University School of Business in June 2023. He was the D. Wayne Calloway Professor of Accountancy at the time of his retirement. Jack joined Wake Forest’s Wayne Calloway School of Business and Accountancy in 1989 as an accounting professor specializing in corporate financial reporting, and he served as dean of the Calloway School from 1997 to 2008. During 2008, Jack was a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in Palo Alto, CA, where he worked on the Foundation’s Preparing for the Professions research project. This Carnegie Foundation stint was pivotal, and, from that time until the time of his retirement, Jack’s teaching and research interests centered on the ethical and professional responsibilities of members of the accounting profession. Jack earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin and worked at the University of Georgia and Arthur Andersen prior to joining Wake Forest University. Jack and his wife Sally have been married 50 years and have three daughters and six grandchildren. Jack and Sally are active members of Salem Presbyterian Church (a Winston-Salem congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America) where Jack is an elder emeritus. Among his favorite pastimes are book studies on various Christian topics with Wake Forest undergraduate students, time with his grandchildren, road trips with Sally, and long-distance motorcycling.