The Basics of the Faith series (published by P&R – each 30-40 pages) are on relevant topics for Christians to study on doctrine, the Christian life, and church related topics. CDM, with the aide of the authors, has written Leader’s Guides to help anyone wanting to lead a study with an individual or group. The student version is designed to be worked through before reading the text and for taking notes during the meeting. If you’re interested in downloading these FREE resources, select the book you want on the left-hand panel below and then click the links found to the right of the book cover.

What Is The Lord’s Supper?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is the Lord’s Supper? by Richard Phillips Ever since the night Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, this sacrament has played a central role in the faith and practice of the church. The goal of this booklet is to help readers understand the biblical institution of [...]

What Is The Lord’s Supper?2023-03-24T10:58:48-05:00

What Is Atonement?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is Atonement? by Richard Phillips In five succinct sections, Rick Phillips (PCA) establishes the importance of Jesus' atonement for faith, ministry, and life. He shows why the atonement is central to the teaching of the church, what was actually achieved through it, how it affects [...]

What Is Atonement?2023-03-24T10:58:55-05:00

What Is Providence?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is Providence? by W.H. Thomas Few things distinguish Christian and secular worldviews with greater clarity than the doctrine of providence: that everything that happens is the outcome of the sovereign overruling of God — everything! “What Is Providence?” examines this truth by observing how the [...]

What Is Providence?2023-03-24T10:59:02-05:00

What Is Justification by Faith Alone?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is Justification by Faith Alone? by J. V. Fesko Ever since Martin Luther, the famous sixteenth-century Reformer, nailed his ninety-five theses to the castle door of Wittenberg, the doctrine of justification by faith alone has been one of the great truths of the Reformed faith. [...]

What Is Justification by Faith Alone?2023-03-24T10:59:08-05:00

What Are Spiritual Gifts?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What are Spiritual Gifts?by Vern S. Poythress God gives believers spiritual gifts for serving others in the church and the world. But which gifts apply to us, and how should they be used? Poythress turns to the authority of Scripture for answers. Study Guide.pdf Leaders-Guide.pdf [...]

What Are Spiritual Gifts?2023-03-24T10:59:16-05:00

Is Jesus in the Old Testament?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore Is Jesus in the Old Testament?by Ianin M. Duguid Many Christians find the Old Testament to be a difficult book and ultimately ignore large parts of it often because they simply are not sure what to do with it.Yet Iain Duguid maintains that the Old Testament [...]

Is Jesus in the Old Testament?2023-03-24T10:59:22-05:00

What is Hell?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is Hell?by Robert Peterson & Christopher Morgan Morgan and Peterson set forth a clear biblical theology of hell, addressing the major questions people have and applying what the Bible has to say about it to Christian living. Study Guide.pdf Leaders-Guide.pdf Basics [...]

What is Hell?2023-03-24T11:05:41-05:00

Why Do We Pray?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore Why Do We Pray?by Stanley D. Gale We all have questions about prayer. Why pray if God already knows what’s going to happen? Can prayer change the mind of God? Does it actually affect anything? What is the purpose of prayer? There is only one wise [...]

Why Do We Pray?2023-03-24T11:05:46-05:00

Why Do We Baptize Infants?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore Why Do We Baptize Infants?by Bryan Chapell Biblical and pastoral, simple and accessible, this booklet explains in a nontechnical style why we should baptize the infants of believing parents. Chapell also shows pastors how to administer the sacrament in ways that are meaningful and helpful for [...]

Why Do We Baptize Infants?2023-03-24T11:05:52-05:00

Why Believe in God?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore Why Believe in God?by Daniel R. Hyde Daniel Hyde demonstrates God’s existence in three ways: from the light of conscience implanted within us, from God’s handiwork in the light of creation, and from the light of the canon, which presents his character. Study Guide.pdf Leaders-Guide.pdf [...]

Why Believe in God?2023-03-24T11:05:58-05:00
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