Youth Leadership in Conflict: When Parents Become Concerned


Article by Danny Mitchell Home / Archives / Youth / Youth Leadership in Conflict: When Parents Become Concerned I often think of a paraphrase of an African proverb that a friend once told me when I hear about youth workers who are in conflict with parents. The proverb says “The only thing that gets hurt when horses fight is the grass [...]

Youth Leadership in Conflict: When Parents Become Concerned2023-03-24T11:17:00-05:00

Preventing Burnout


Article by Danny Mitchell I have been in youth ministry long enough to know that arguing with your senior pastor in a public setting does not bode well for personal job security. Yet, for a mind boggling thirty minutes I was doing just that at a recent staff retreat. Oblivious to the obvious discomfort of [...]

Preventing Burnout2023-03-24T11:17:09-05:00
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