Day 4 –30 Days of Gratitude in Philippians
with Charles Johnson, Pastor of Christ Community Church PCA

Prayer Points:
Thank God that we can cling to Him for knowledge and discernment. We don’t have to depend on any news channel or paper alone for our truth.
Thank God that He enables us to approve what is excellent through His indwelling Spirit.
Thank God that He can increase our love and produce the fruit of righteousness in our lives to the glory and praise of God.
Thank God for Jesus, that He promises to return, and that our real hope is in Him.
Thank God that He is glorified in His people.
Ask God to make us a living offering of praise to Him, that His love will flow through us into our homes, our neighborhoods, our communities, our country, and even to the ends of the world.
Ask God to guide your prayers as you pray for God’s love to abound in the lives of people.