About Cami Summers

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So far Cami Summers has created 65 blog entries.

Our Light and Life: Identity in the Claims of Christ


 “Who am I?” is the fundamental question we all ask―but Jesus did not need to ask it. The identity of Christ was not dependent on what He did, who He was with, or how others saw Him. Jesus was the only person in history who was completely secure [...]

Our Light and Life: Identity in the Claims of Christ2022-07-21T18:11:03-05:00

Resources for Covid-19


Children's Ministry Resources for Covid-19 & Regathering Resources As You Serve the Children In Your Church Worshipping at Home A Guide to Returning to Worship Link to CDM & MNA's webinar on Regathering Webinar Covid 19 Questions One Example Letter Explaining Church Re-gathering

Resources for Covid-192023-03-24T10:21:32-05:00

Welcoming People with Intellectual Disabilities to the Lord’s Supper


Welcoming People with Intellectual Disabilities to the Lord’s Supper The sacrament belongs to Christ, and elders of the local church Session have the privilege and responsibility to determine (to the best of their ability) whether the individual desiring to partake of the Lord’s Supper possesses a “true interest in Christ” and “desires to be [...]

Welcoming People with Intellectual Disabilities to the Lord’s Supper2023-12-14T20:46:56-05:00

A Good Confession: Daily Reflections on the Westminster Shorter Catechism


Are you looking to draw your church or small group together for a common experience? Do you want to improve your biblical literacy and connect with your rich Christian heritage? Do you want to connect your corporate worship with the daily lives of the people in your congregation? [...]

A Good Confession: Daily Reflections on the Westminster Shorter Catechism2020-12-10T09:28:09-05:00

Discipline Policy


Discipline Policy All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2Timothy 3:16 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those [...]

Discipline Policy2023-03-24T10:54:49-05:00

Philosophy of Children’s Ministry, v.2


For Westminister Presbyterian Westminster Presbyterian Youth and Children’s Ministry Philosophy The focus of Westminster Presbyterian Church’s youth and children’s ministry is to bring together the entire church body in carrying out our God-given responsibility to bring up children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4) by encouraging parents and coming alongside them [...]

Philosophy of Children’s Ministry, v.22023-03-24T10:54:56-05:00

Philosophy of Children’s Ministry, v. 1


For Covenant Presbyterian PURPOSE The ultimate purpose of the Children’s Ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church is to glorify God. We believe that He has called us to glorify Him by: Assisting parents in the Christian nurture of their children. Proclaiming the gospel in word and deed to children in our church and community. Equipping the [...]

Philosophy of Children’s Ministry, v. 12023-03-24T10:55:00-05:00

Investigating God’s Word at Home Series


Investigating God's Word at Home Series by Dr. John C. Kwasny You shall teach them [God's commands] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the say, and when you lie down, and when you rise. — Deuteronomy 6:7 How [...]

Investigating God’s Word at Home Series2018-08-21T16:20:34-05:00



PERIMETER CHURCH VOLUNTEER GUIDELINES Impacting lives to make the Bride more beautiful The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.  — MATTHEW 20:28   VOLUNTEER MISSION: Our mission is to create a wonderful experience for volunteers at Perimeter Church. We hope [...]


Parenting Conference at Your Church


CDM's Parenting Seminar at Your Church The Discipleship Ministry of the PCA seeks to strengthen the church by connecting people to people and people to resources.  One aspect of that mission is to provide onsite training and resources for the local church. Bring CDM to your church with this parenting seminar!    “Parenting Relationship with God” [...]

Parenting Conference at Your Church2023-03-24T10:56:27-05:00
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