Christian Education – More than Just Sunday School


Article by Dennis Bennett It never ceases to amaze me that anywhere in the world you say "Christian Education" people automatically think of Sunday school. Is this the only education the church is engaged in? If so, we are in trouble. Let me explain.   I taught the Christian Education (CE) courses at the Bible Institute of [...]

Christian Education – More than Just Sunday School2023-03-24T11:07:50-05:00

How Should We Understand “Curriculum”? Part 1


Article by Dennis Bennett We have all used the word curriculum, but not many really know what it means. To most it conveys the material we use. It comes from the Latin meaning "a race." God's curriculum, or race, for His children is that in the end we are more like His Son Jesus. What we generally [...]

How Should We Understand “Curriculum”? Part 12023-03-24T11:07:55-05:00

How Should We Understand “Curriculum”? Part 2


Article by Dennis Bennett One of the hardest things I had to do as academic dean in a seminary in South Africa was to educate the faculty to understand the different between a "content driven curriculum" and a "process oriented curriculum."   One member of faculty argued with me that unless he covered all 16 chapters of [...]

How Should We Understand “Curriculum”? Part 22023-03-24T11:08:02-05:00

What is the Role of the Leadership in Christian Education?


Article by Dennis Bennett To answer this question we need to go back and define what parts of the church involve Christian Education. The answer: everything the church does is Christian Education! Unless we clearly understand this principle true discipleship will not happen. With this understanding we can begin to comprehend what Paul meant when he said [...]

What is the Role of the Leadership in Christian Education?2023-03-24T11:08:07-05:00

Equipping and the Future of Discipleship


Article by Dennis Bennett Nothing will ever take the place of one-on-one discipleship, and this article will not attempt to prove otherwise. Right now, I want you to just dream about what lies ahead for training in the future, the near future.   A number of years ago, I saw a cartoon where a preacher says to [...]

Equipping and the Future of Discipleship2023-03-24T11:08:41-05:00

Christian Education and the Future of Resources


Article by Dennis Bennett Over the 37 years of CEP's existence we have published hundreds of pieces of material and thousands of articles. We are committed to making the best and most helpful resources available to you. Let me explain. With the advent of electronic publishing, CEP is now offering many of its publications in a downloadable [...]

Christian Education and the Future of Resources2023-03-24T11:10:19-05:00

Teach a Man to Teach and He Will Feed Thousands


Article by Dennis Bennett   The Why   Your pastor went to seminary. During that time he learned the Bible, biblical languages, theology, church history, and how to preach. In other words, he was trained. When your church is preparing to select new elders and deacons, they are taught the basics of what the church is, how [...]

Teach a Man to Teach and He Will Feed Thousands2023-03-24T11:10:32-05:00

Targeting Comprehensive Christian Education


Article by Dennis Bennett It never ceases to amaze me that anywhere in the world you say "Christian Education" people automatically think Sunday school. Is this the only Christian education the church does? If it is, then we are in big trouble. Let me explain. In teaching the Christian Education (CE) courses in South Africa for eight years, the student's [...]

Targeting Comprehensive Christian Education2023-03-24T11:10:53-05:00



Devotional by Stephen Estock June 17, 2013 In the summer before her 12th birthday, my daughter joined a swim team for the first time. It was a new beginning. Though she knew the basics, she had never learned all of the different strokes, so the first day of practice was very difficult. After 15 minutes, she wanted [...]




Devotional by Stephen Estock November 25, 2013 “I wanna be a billionaire...Buy all of the thing I never had... I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine smiling next to Oprah and the Queen.” (“Billionaire,” Travie McCoy with Bruno Mars, 2009) The song continues by saying if I had a billion dollars, everyday would be [...]

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