PCA 50th Anniversary Prayer Calendar


PCA 50th Anniversary Prayer Calendar As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the PCA, let us continue this legacy of prayer by uniting our hearts in praise to God for His faithfulness and in prayer for the denominational Committees and Agencies, the General Assembly, and the local churches of our denomination [...]

PCA 50th Anniversary Prayer Calendar2022-11-09T11:03:32-05:00

Preparing for the Table by Lisa Updike


Preparing for the Table By Lisa Updike (PCA) Becoming a communing member of your local church is important. Even more important is understanding God’s plan, provisions, and purpose for church membership. The engaging and interactive lessons in Preparing for the Table are theologically sound, rooted in Scripture and the Westminster [...]

Preparing for the Table by Lisa Updike2022-08-17T10:59:54-05:00

Knowing His Great Name by Michael and Rachel Craddock


Knowing His Great Name By Michael and Rachel Craddock - PCA There is no more awe-inspiring and incomprehensible truth than the truth that I am known by God. It is at the same time simple to state and impossible to exhaust. The unfolding story of Scripture shows us the greatness [...]

Knowing His Great Name by Michael and Rachel Craddock2022-08-16T10:26:21-05:00

Learn It Love It Live It Teach It


Learn It. Love It. Live It. Teach It! By Dr. John Kwasny - PCA With engaging narratives and rich biblical truths, these 365 daily devotionals for kids ages 8-13 focus on scripture passages from Genesis to Revelation. The questions at the end of each day’s entry are designed to challenge young [...]

Learn It Love It Live It Teach It2022-08-15T17:04:32-05:00

Understanding Wisdom


Understanding Wisdom by Maria Currey With seeds of wisdom found in James 3:13 and 17, this 10-week inductive study winsomely walks across the breadth of Scripture to plant, water, grow, and harvest the fruit of God’s wisdom in the believer’s life. By tapping into the endless root system of Word-ly wisdom, Maria [...]

Understanding Wisdom2022-08-15T17:18:30-05:00

Our Light and Life: Identity in the Claims of Christ


 “Who am I?” is the fundamental question we all ask―but Jesus did not need to ask it. The identity of Christ was not dependent on what He did, who He was with, or how others saw Him. Jesus was the only person in history who was completely secure [...]

Our Light and Life: Identity in the Claims of Christ2022-07-21T18:11:03-05:00

A Good Confession: Daily Reflections on the Westminster Shorter Catechism


Are you looking to draw your church or small group together for a common experience? Do you want to improve your biblical literacy and connect with your rich Christian heritage? Do you want to connect your corporate worship with the daily lives of the people in your congregation? [...]

A Good Confession: Daily Reflections on the Westminster Shorter Catechism2020-12-10T09:28:09-05:00

Slowly Unraveled


What does it mean to be unraveled? by Rachel Craddock To be unraveled is to be undone, to untangle your identity and the layers of lies that permeate your story so that you can clearly see the truth. Being made new requires an unraveling, as the stories from your past [...]

Slowly Unraveled2019-05-23T20:16:50-05:00
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