About Kathy Wargo

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So far Kathy Wargo has created 215 blog entries.

Frog’s Rainy Day Curriculum


Frog's Rainy Day Curriculum By Lisa Updike This Curriculum is an eight-week course on Christian worldview using the award-winning book Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables. WORLD magazine has designated this engaging and thought-provoking book one of the six most outstanding Christian picture books for the 21st century. Recommended for [...]

Frog’s Rainy Day Curriculum2022-07-05T20:17:48-05:00

Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer


Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord's Prayer By Karen Hodge “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” — Martin Luther Breathing is very complex but is primarily a subconscious activity. Yet there is a danger in familiarity. As Christians, we [...]

Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer2023-03-27T16:01:45-05:00

CDM Update – Spring 2022


Strengthening the church through connection Spring 2022 As PCA churches are adapting ministry to a post-pandemic environment, CDM seeks to provide opportunities for leaders to pursue Word-based and relationally-driven discipleship after the “relational wilderness” of pandemic lockdowns. Visit the CDM website for a list of upcoming opportunities to gather for training and encouragement. Contact our office to schedule a training [...]

CDM Update – Spring 20222023-03-24T10:46:12-05:00



Women's Recommended Summer Study Please click here to go to our new website for information about Breathe.


Covenant Baptism


Thank you for supporting CDM! Gifts to CDM helped underwrite our Grow Virtual Conference. We hope you will enjoy this video workshop by Dr. Bryan Chapell on Covenant Baptism

Covenant Baptism2023-03-24T10:46:56-05:00

CDM Update – Spring 2021


Strengthening the church by connecting you to the people and resources you need to make disciples Spring 2021 CDM works to nurture a discipleship culture in the PCA that is Word-based and relationally-driven. We bring leaders together for training and point them to resources that are useful for ministry. We are especially blessed when [...]

CDM Update – Spring 20212023-03-24T10:47:01-05:00

Liturgy Collective


Rest | Connection | Growth Liturgy Collective is a curated retreat gathering that first met in October 2021 to help provide pastors, musicians, and liturgists from across the globe a few days of rest, connection and growth. We look forward to gathering in 2022 for a few days of worship, ideas, and relationships. In [...]

Liturgy Collective2023-10-23T13:35:39-05:00
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