Philosophy of Children’s Ministry, v. 1


For Covenant Presbyterian PURPOSE The ultimate purpose of the Children’s Ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church is to glorify God. We believe that He has called us to glorify Him by: Assisting parents in the Christian nurture of their children. Proclaiming the gospel in word and deed to children in our church and community. Equipping the [...]

Philosophy of Children’s Ministry, v. 12023-03-24T10:55:00-05:00

Investigating God’s Word at Home Series


Investigating God's Word at Home Series by Dr. John C. Kwasny You shall teach them [God's commands] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the say, and when you lie down, and when you rise. — Deuteronomy 6:7 How [...]

Investigating God’s Word at Home Series2018-08-21T16:20:34-05:00

Anchoring Your Child to God’s Truth in a Gender-Confused Culture


Helping Our Children Embrace Their Calling to Godly Manhood or Womanhood Includes discussion questions for discipleship groups Today’s world is constantly sending our children unbiblical messages about gender identities, gender roles, same-sex attraction, and sexual fulfillment. Gender fluidity, which is at the core of many of these views, denies the sovereignty [...]

Anchoring Your Child to God’s Truth in a Gender-Confused Culture2023-03-24T10:55:36-05:00

Parenting Conference at Your Church


CDM's Parenting Seminar at Your Church The Discipleship Ministry of the PCA seeks to strengthen the church by connecting people to people and people to resources.  One aspect of that mission is to provide onsite training and resources for the local church. Bring CDM to your church with this parenting seminar!    “Parenting Relationship with God” [...]

Parenting Conference at Your Church2023-03-24T10:56:27-05:00

Marriage Conference at Your Church


CDM's Marriage Seminar at Your Church The Discipleship Ministry of the PCA seeks to strengthen the church by connecting people to people and people to resources.  One aspect of that mission is to provide onsite training and resources for the local church. Bring CDM to your church with this marriage seminar!    “Marriage ... What Brings [...]

Marriage Conference at Your Church2023-03-24T10:56:33-05:00

What is Evangelism?


Order this book from the PCA Bookstore What is evangelism? by George W. Robertson What is evangelism? Although the term is basic to the Christian faith, evangelism can take many forms in practice. Is there a “correct” way to evangelize? George W. Robertson shows how God gives us different opportunities and ways [...]

What is Evangelism?2023-03-24T10:58:11-05:00

Children’s Ministry 101


For More Children's Ministry Resources? New to Children’s Ministry? Feeling Burnt Out? Looking to add purpose to what you are doing? Children’s Ministry is different than childcare. It’s partnering with parents. It’s modeling the joy of our faith and shepherding the hearts of little ones who desperately need Jesus. It’s founded in a rich [...]

Children’s Ministry 1012024-05-18T12:04:38-05:00

Child Safety Resources


“Child Protection in the PCA” All church leaders should become informed and take an active stance toward preventing child sexual abuse in the church by screening staff and volunteers, training them in child protection, and actively maintaining child protection policies pertaining to our obligations to love our children and protect their rightful interests as [...]

Child Safety Resources2023-03-24T11:17:22-05:00

VBS Options


VBS Registration Forms: Sample VBS Registration Form (used with permission from Parish of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Irvine) Looking for VBS resources? Check these out… VBS Reachout Adventures: VBS Backpackers will see Jesus in new ways as they follow His radical journey from the Courts of Heaven to the cross on earth, and back again [...]

VBS Options2023-03-24T11:17:27-05:00



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