Light Into Darkness


Light Into Darkness Author: Lisa Wallover - PCA Light into Darkness provides the readings and structure for a moving and sacred Good Friday Tenebrae service. The repetition of three elements—Scripture, story, and song—poignantly retell the crucifixion events recorded in the Gospel of John. The gradual dimming of lights and extinguishing of [...]

Beneath the Cross


Beneath the Cross Author: Lisa Wallover - PCA Beneath the Cross provides the readings and structure for a moving and sacred Good Friday Tenebrae service. The repetition of three elements—Scripture, story, and song—poignantly retell the crucifixion events recorded in the four Gospels. The gradual dimming of lights and extinguishing of candles [...]

Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer


Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord's Prayer By Karen Hodge “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” — Martin Luther Breathing is very complex but is primarily a subconscious activity. Yet there is a danger in familiarity. As Christians, we may [...]

Children’s Ministry Certification


Children's Ministry Certification What is Children’s Ministries Certification?  CDM’s Certification Program is theological and practical training for non-ordained staff or volunteers who are currently serving in children’s ministry within the local church.  Whether your church is 50 or 5000 people, this certification program will impact your church by developing and enhancing your [...]

Something’s About to Happen in Jerusalem (PDF Download)


Something’s About to Happen in Jerusalem (PDF Download) By Sue Jakes and B.A. Snider-PCA. Digital-PDF version. Due to copyright requirements, duplication and distribution are not allowed unless the corresponding quantity is purchased. This family devotional starts two weeks prior to Easter (starting the Monday prior to Palm Sunday) and continues using the [...]

Building Little Pillars (PDF Download of entire book)


Building Little Pillars (PDF Download of entire book) Teaching the Foundations of the Christian Faith to Children Ages 3 to 6 Author: Heather Molendyk – PCA Like the wise man in Scripture, we want our children’s spiritual foundations to run deep, providing stability and protection. With training to set their minds on [...]

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