A Basic Guide to the PCA General Assembly


A Basic Guide to the PCA General Assembly Author: Dr. Stephen Estock - PCA Revised 5-2-2023 An introduction to the ins and outs of General Assembly. Ideal for first timers! 8 chapters: What is General Assembly? Road Map that guides the assembly PCA Committees and Agencies G.A. Committee of Comissioners RAO [...]

Light Into Darkness


Light Into Darkness Author: Lisa Wallover - PCA Light into Darkness provides the readings and structure for a moving and sacred Good Friday Tenebrae service. The repetition of three elements—Scripture, story, and song—poignantly retell the crucifixion events recorded in the Gospel of John. The gradual dimming of lights and extinguishing of [...]

Beneath the Cross


Beneath the Cross Author: Lisa Wallover - PCA Beneath the Cross provides the readings and structure for a moving and sacred Good Friday Tenebrae service. The repetition of three elements—Scripture, story, and song—poignantly retell the crucifixion events recorded in the four Gospels. The gradual dimming of lights and extinguishing of candles [...]

PCA 50th Anniversary Prayer Calendar


PCA 50th Anniversary Prayer Calendar As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the PCA, let us continue this legacy of prayer by uniting our hearts in praise to God for His faithfulness and in prayer for the denominational Committees and Agencies, the General Assembly, and the local churches of our denomination [...]

Survey of the Old Testament


Survey of the Old Testament By Jack Scott With the same rich, Reformed theological content as the 1977 original, this 2021 revision of Dr. Jack B. Scott’s Old Testament Survey has been formatted to be more easily read. Dr. Scott’s writing displays not only his thorough knowledge of Scripture and [...]

Survey of the New Testament


Survey of the New Testament By Jack Scott With the same rich, Reformed theological content as the 1985 original, this 2021 revision of Dr. Jack B. Scott’s New Testament Survey has been formatted to be more easily read. Dr. Scott’s writing displays not only his thorough knowledge of Scripture and [...]

What God Has Joined Together


What God Has Joined Together: PCA Papers on Divorce and Remarriage PCA This compilation of the reports submitted to the 1979, 1990, and 1992 General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church in America is intended to be an historical, theological, and pastoral address to the complexities of the shepherding through divorce [...]

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