Alongside Care: A Vision for Churches to Care for Women in Crisis Editor: Christina Fox - PCA In every church every Sunday—if we were all honest with each other—are men and women weighed down by life lived in this fallen world. So, is the command to “bear one another’s burdens, and [...]
Hebrews: The Superior Savior
Kathy Wargo2024-01-24T08:47:00-05:00Hebrews: The Superior Savior Author: Sarah Ivill - PCA Join Bible scholar and teacher, Sarah Ivill, in an examination of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation to verify the claims given in Hebrews: Christ is greater than all angels, than Satan, and than any Old Testament saint and sacrificial system. He holds [...]
Road Talk (Volume 2)
Kathy Wargo2024-07-31T20:06:20-05:00Road Talk Volume 2 Author: John Kwasny - PCA You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. – Deuteronomy 6:7 Take advantage of drivetime [...]
The Song of Advent
Kathy Wargo2023-09-28T17:21:49-05:00The Song of Advent Author: Caleb Click When we think about Christmas, we often think of music. Why? Because Christmas is about a Song—God’s Song. This booklet is an invitation for you and those around you to listen and hear—in spite of the clatter and noise of the day’s busyness and [...]
The Advent Investigator
Kathy Wargo2023-11-07T19:46:47-05:00The Advent Investigator: A Fact-Finding Devotional for Students and Their Families Author: Jamye Doerfler - PCA Is there more to the story of Christmas than what we see in tabletop Nativity sets or drive-through reenactments? The Advent Investigator challenges preteens, young teens, and families to look behind the scenes and dig into the [...]
Knowing His Great Name Student Edition
Kathy Wargo2023-09-07T15:43:21-05:00Knowing His Great Name: God's Covenantal Character, Our Identity, and His Community, Student Edition Author: Rachel Craddock - PCA Have you ever wondered what God’s name is? You’re not alone. Moses anticipated this question from the Israelites when God sent him back to lead them out of Egypt (Exodus 3:13). To [...]
The Way of the Lord
Kathy Wargo2023-08-03T17:33:45-05:00The Way of the Lord Author: Lisa Wallover - PCA Mark is the shortest and most concise of the four Gospels, sharing the stories of Jesus with speed and clarity. In just sixteen chapters, Mark uses the word “immediately” thirty-five times. Jesus was on the move. And yet, He always had [...]
A Basic Guide to the PCA General Assembly
Kathy Wargo2023-08-03T17:05:29-05:00A Basic Guide to the PCA General Assembly Author: Dr. Stephen Estock - PCA Revised 5-2-2023 An introduction to the ins and outs of General Assembly. Ideal for first timers! 8 chapters: What is General Assembly? Road Map that guides the assembly PCA Committees and Agencies G.A. Committee of Comissioners RAO [...]
Road Talk (Volume 1)
Kathy Wargo2023-08-03T15:00:39-05:00Road Talk Author: John Kwasny - PCA You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. – Deuteronomy 6:7 Take advantage of drivetime to start [...]
What a Royal Mess
Kathy Wargo2023-09-01T08:13:07-05:00Purchase The Book What a Royal Mess: A Study of 1 and 2 Kings Author: Susan Tyner - PCA How do I get out of my life’s messes? How can I keep from getting in them? Can God use this mess for any good? Am I stuck in this forever? If [...]